USS Weiss Escorts Presidential Yacht Williamsburg

The news articles below cover the August 1946 vacation cruise of President Harry S. Truman aboard the yacht Williamsburg. During the cruise U.S.S. Weiss escorted the yacht and hosted several reporters who covered the story.

United Press Story
ABOARD THE WEISS, Aug., 17 (UP) - President Truman, "completely relaxed" after the first day of an 18-day cruise on the Presidential yacht Williamsburg, headed out into the Atlantic tonight from Delaware Bay for Block Island - Narragansett area.

White House Secretary Ross radio-phoned reporters aboard this converted navy attack transport that the first 24 hours of the projected 18-day cruise had "done a lot of good already" for the President. The weather was warm and pleasant. The sky was bright though hazy.

Ask whether Truman had considered appointees for the atomic energy control board, Ross replied Truman had considered no public business.

by Jack Doherty (staff reporter of The News)
At sea Aug. 17 - President Truman, aboard the yacht Williamsburg, entered the Atlantic Ocean tonight and steamed toward the Block Island - Narragansett Bay area on his two-week sea holiday.

Reporters aboard the attack transport U.S.S. Weiss, half a mile astern of the Williamsburg, learned through ship-to-ship telephone that the President slept part of this morning - until 8 o'clock - and spent part of the morning boning up on a couple of predecessors in the White House.

Press Secretary Charles G. Ross said Truman had read from "the Age of Jackson," by Arthur Schlesinger, and a life of Grover Cleveland. Last night the President saw the film "Monsieur Beaucaire", featuring Bob Hope and enjoyed it.

While Truman plans to make several stops along the New England coast, Ross said points and time of arrival will not be made public.

The White House has been snowed under with telegrams and letters for mayors and civic associations of New England towns, requesting a Truman appearance.

Ross also reported that the President signed a large sheaf of public documents five minutes before leaving Washington yesterday, paring the paperwork to be done on the trip to a minimum.

by Jack Doherty (staff reporter of The News)
At sea, Aug.20 - President Truman today veered away from the New England coast and began what Press Secretary Charles G. Ross first described as a "sort of journey into nowhere, "but which later proved to be a voyage for Bermuda.

The Presidential yacht Williamsburg and it's companion ship, the attack-transport Weiss, are expected to reach Bermuda Thursday afternoon, where the ships will refuel and reprovision.
Truman plans to stretch out the cruise until Labor Day. Ross did not say whether the President would go ashore on the British Island, but indicated that if he does, ceremonies will be held to a minimum, "just what the amenities call for."

Ross said he did not know how long the party would stay in Bermuda. He told reporters aboard Weiss, over radio telephone, that Truman decided last night that he wanted to head south into warmer water, after a nor' east gale had lashed Quonset Point, R.I. all day yesterday, interrupting the Presidential cruise.

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Last modified on:August 8, 2002